The kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan will always be at odds because one seeks to bring eternal life, while the other brings temporary pleasure and eternal death. The Lord is raising up those in the body of Christ who will assert the position of VICTORY!

Assert means to confidently state a fact or a statement of beliefs. 

We believe the word of God is TRUE. And because we believe God's word is TRUE, we assert in confident trust that God's word never lies and always performs what it was sent to do. 

As the plans and behaviors of the enemy are growing rampantly in the earth, so are Gods plans for those in the army of the Lord who are being developed through prayer and submission unto Holy Spirit to bring his perfect will on earth. In times of calamity, we contend, or assert, that God is God! Continue watching part 2 of the series Contend above.

"Satan is already defeated. Therefore, God does not fight. He let's us fight."

Pastor Regi Goff, Sr.

Grab a pen, a notebook, and your Word!!!