The vision of Divine Destiny Christian Center International is encompassed in the following:

A. As a church composed of a body of believers, commissioned to the work of leading souls of men, women, boys, and girls to a relevant relationship with God, through faith in Jesus Christ. (Mark 16:15-16; Hebrews 10:39; Romans 10:13; I Corinthians 10:33, I Timothy 4:12) as individual believers, to be faithful to the commission to win souls through Christ which is the vision and mandate of this Church. (Acts 1:8; Matthew 28:18-20).

B. To have a church fellowship that ministers to the Body of Christ, allowing and encouraging believers to flow with the anointing of the Holy Spirit in order to grow and develop in the call of God on their individual lives. (I Corinthians 12, 14:1-5; Mark 16:18; James 5:14; I John 4:1; Romans 12:4-8).

C. To feed and clothe the truly poor through the "Divine Dimensions Ministry" through the use of Food Kitchens, Food Pantry, Clothes Closet (Leviticus 25:35; Matthew 25:34-40; Galatians 6:10; Psalms 142:7, 146:7; Luke 4:18; I Peter 3:19) and whatever other means the Lord may tell the Pastor to fulfill this vision (Habakkuk 2:2; Isaiah 30:8) including providing a home for the homeless and runaways. (Proverbs 19:17, Luke 3:11; II Corinthians 8:14-15).

D. To develop Governmental gifts (Ephesians 4:11-12) with identical visions for reaching the lost souls of humanity/ (I Chronicles 9:22-23; Titus 1:5; Acts 14:23). To send them out with the guidance and help of this Church to start other churches. (Acts 15:41, 16:5). As the Lord leads and provides, we will provide them a structure for a church. We will oversee and help with the establishment of this new ministry until it is self-sufficient, solid, stable, and Holy Spirit sufficient, at which time they will become an independent and self-governing Church.

E. To implement an expository Bible Training Program through the Divine Destiny Christian Academy with the intent of developing a full-time, Christian University, designed to operate under the anointing of the Holy Spirit; purposed to train men and women to function in the 5 Fold Ministry of Christ (Ephesians 4:11 and I Corinthians 12) and impact their world with the excellence and integrity of Christ; leaving a mark in the global corporate world that cannot be erased. Our conviction is that by exalting the Scriptures, we are exalting Jesus Christ who is the Living Word. The Bible Training Program and Bible School will also provide teaching and development to those who would be led of the Holy Spirit to build Holy Spirit anointed Churches with a vision to save those who are lost without Jesus Christ (Psalms 40:9-10; John 14:26; I Peter 4:6).